Co to jest ChatGPT-4

Features of the new ChatGPT-4

Not so long ago, a new version of the ChatGPT-4 language model appeared, which was created, they say that it is an order of magnitude smarter and more functional than previous versions. But you need to understand what it can do and what its advantages are.

Video and picture processing

Of the new products, it is necessary to highlight the possibility of this version of the technology to process pictures and videos. There is a lot of data in AI right now, so you can even analyze an image or even provide your own understanding of an image.

More languages

Today there are already 26 languages. That is, you can talk with almost any user, and the country of his residence does not play a role. And this cannot be called a small dialogue or just phrases, this is a full-fledged communication.

Features of ChatGPT-4

Control options and personality change

Another plus is that you can change the characteristics of your personality. And this is achieved through control. In addition, AI controls and adjusts all model inputs.

Implementation of games on PC or websites

Often, a certain aspect of development serves to create websites or games. This often concerns the formation of basic design elements. Thanks to this, you can greatly reduce the work and simplify the process of creating projects. It has been proven that implementation can take only a couple of minutes.


When studying different sciences, AI also shows itself from the best side. And studies have shown that here the answers are always more creative and interesting, which makes it possible even to give answers to exam questions.