WebStorm or Visual Studio

WebStorm or Visual Studio

In programming, there are a lot of tools and programs for various languages. And many have been arguing lately, which will be better: Visual Studio or WebStorm. The second option was discovered not so long ago and quite unexpectedly, and it is he who differs in his work from the best side. But it is important to note that we are talking about the JavaScript language.

We need to talk about a new player on the market – WebStorm. And you need to start with the fact that it is quite easy and fast to work with. The installation file is only 67 MB, and everything is installed in seconds. In the background or during operation, it does not load the system, which is an additional plus.

Which to choose WebStorm or Visual Studio

For additional benefits

You need to add cross-platform, that is, it is available for any operating system. But there is also a drawback, namely the need to pay a fee for the use. However, it does not do without a trial period of 45 days. This will be enough to understand all the benefits and understand whether it is worth it. Although, after using it, many note that the software really deserves attention and the chambers of $ 69 are not so big.

We also need to add that WebStorm is designed to be used with the main IDE, so it can open folders with files. But there may be some problems here, since the .idea system subfolders are located inside, so there may be some discomfort during work. But you can spend a little time and add exceptions.

Tests conducted when comparing WebStorm and Visual Studio showed that WebStorm is much superior to the second option in all important parameters and characteristics. So it’s worth trying it at least in the test period and after that make a decision for yourself.

Of course, there are so many different tools for programming and editing now, so you can spend a little time searching to go through all the options and have complete information.